Georgina Curto

Former Visiting Scholar
Technology Ethics Center, University of Notre Dame

Georgina Curto conducts interdisciplinary research on artificial intelligence to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She works closely with NGOs and government officials to provide new insights for local and global challenges, while contributing to the AI state of the art. She was awarded, together with the article co-authors, Best AI for Good Project in the last International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI’22) for the work on AI simulations and poverty reduction policy making. She has also published on the use of machine learning (NLP) to generate indexes on socio-economic discrimination and on participatory methods for fairness decision making in the design of machine learning systems. Other lines of her work explore the use of social networks as reparative tools towards historically vulnerable groups, applying link recommendation algorithms that promote social cohesion and affirmative action. 

While visiting the Kavli Center, Georgina was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the ND Technology Ethics Center (University of Notre Dame), an AI for Good Fellow at the ND-IBM Tech Ethics Lab, an associated scientist at Ellis Alicante (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) and she co-chaired the AI & Social Good Special Track at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’23).

As a visiting scholar at the Kavli Center, Georgina worked on building joint initiatives to generate new lines of AI research towards the UN SDGs, exploring the boundaries between AI with neuroscience, conducting pilot projects of her current lines of work in collaboration with local communities and working towards the scalability and economic sustainability of AI and social good projects. Georgina holds a Master’s Degree in Economics Research from University Ramon Llull, an International Executive MBA from IE (distinction with honors) and a PhD (cum laude) on the topic of AI and Inclusion from the joint program of the universities Ramon Llull, Deusto and Pontificia Comillas.