Postdoctoral Scholar

Cristina Ceballos

Postdoctoral Fellow
Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public

Cristina Ceballos studies artificial intelligence ethics and regulation, with a focus on government agencies and how they address questions of privacy and algorithmic bias. She has published on disparate impact in the administrative state (in the Yale Law Journal) and about Customs and Border Protection and its use of face recognition technology. During law school, she worked at the American Civil Liberties Union in the Immigrants’ Rights Project. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Kavli Center, Cristina will push forward on two main lines of research: first, examining how government agencies...

Colin Hoy

Postdoctoral Fellow Affiliate
UCSF Neurology Department

Colin Hoy is a neuroscientist working as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Neurology Department of the University of California, San Francisco, where he studies the neural basis of self-control and decision-making to understand cognitive and emotional symptoms in neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and depression. His neuroscience research combines computational models of behavior with brain recordings and stimulation from implanted neural devices to identify and modulate the neural circuits and signals that help control behavior in pursuit of goals. Colin’s long-term goal...

Adriano Mannino

Postdoctoral Fellow
Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public

Adriano Mannino's research interests are in normative ethics, decision theory, political theory, and applied ethics, especially AI ethics and policy. His Ph.D. dissertation, "Playing Dice with Lives: An Essay on Aggregation, Rights, and Automation," examines the moral "numbers problem" through the lenses of moral philosophy, decision theory, and social choice. In other academic and practical work (as a social entrepreneur and policy consultant), Mannino has dealt with issues including climate change and collective action, animal ethics and politics, public health and medical resource...