Dr. Julia Brown is an anthropologist and postdoctoral fellow in bioethics, through the Kavli Center and the UCSF Bioethics Program and the UCSF Center for Maternal-Fetal Precision Medicine. She is also affiliated with the Centre for Global Mental Health at University of California, San Diego. She is author of The Clozapine Clinic: Health Agency in High-Risk conditions (Routledge 2022). She holds an NIH K99/R00 Award from the National Human Genome Research Institute to conduct an “embedded ethics'' ethnography on the emergence of prenatal gene therapies. As a Kavli Center Fellow, she will be workshopping her research findings on the complex intersection between scientific, clinical, patient and societal values. This includes designing community engagement initiatives to investigate diverse social values around prenatal gene therapy—to improve the advancement of health equity goals alongside controversial preventive precision medicine.
Postdoctoral Fellow
UCSF Bioethics
UCSF Center for Maternal-Fetal Precision Medicine
UCSD Centre for Global Mental Health
Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public