
Kavli Center Weekly Colloquium


The weekly Colloquium is part of the core programming for the Kavli Center Fellows. Each Monday, Fellows and core faculty and staff meet, alternating between formats to bring training, discussion, and in-progress support to the fellows.

Formats include:

Group Meeting: Group meetings may include topics such as brainstorming, discussions, work-related planning, etc.

Journal Club: 1-2 people select 1-3 papers, recent or foundational, to present to the group for discussion.

Work in Progress: 1-2 people present their work in progress for input from the group...

Kavli Graduate Seminar in Philosophy: The Moral and Political Philosophy of AI

This seminar seeks to examine key moral and political issues raised by the development and deployment of artificial intelligence. These include the challenge of aligning AI with human preferences, values, and norms; the problem of algorithmic power and the permissibility of collecting and analyzing people’s data to deliver interventions that shape their behavior; whether creating and distributing deepfakes is inherently wrong; the changing nature of employment and the desirability of a post-work world; and the conditions under which AI systems would themselves have well-being or qualify as...

Berkeley Ethics and Regulation Group for Innovative Technologies

The Berkeley Ethics and Regulation Group for Innovative Technologies (BERGIT) is an ideas exchange and a meeting ground for discussions across disciplines to integrate ethics, regulation, and policy with science. Our goal is to provide space for discussion, facilitate insight, and instigate a proactive cultural shift in responsible innovation. BERGIT is led by an interdisciplinary team with expertise in...


About the Fellows Program

Discoveries in science and technology are moving quickly from basic research to real-world applications, sometimes with societal-scale impact. As scientists become increasingly involved in developing the applications of their work, they are encountering challenges that fall outside their expertise. We need a new kind of training that prepares scientists to confront the future ethical challenges of their fields, and that creates social scientists, philosophers, journalists, and policymakers who are able to work with scientists and diverse communities to...